Operations FM 3-0

        OPERATIONS FM 3-0

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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The Role of the Army is...
Army forces fight and win the nation's wars, thusly, in many cases they deter them. The Army is poised for action signal the the unquestioned commitment of America to fight and win if deterrence fails.
The Army's warfighting focus prouces what?
The Army's warfighting focus prouces a full spectrum force that meets the needs of joint force commanders (JFC) in war, conflict, and peace.
What are the Army Mission Essential Tasks?
- Shape the security environmnet- Respond promptly to crisis- Mobilize the Army- Conduct forcible entry operations- Provide support to civil authorities
What are full spectrum operations?
Full spectrum operations are the range of operations Army forces conduct in war and military operations other than war.
List the Instruments of National Power.
- Diplomatic- Informational- Military- Economic
What is PME?
Peacetime Military Engagement. PME activities are proactive, opportunity-based endeavors conducted at home and abroad to shape the international security environment to favor US interests.
What does conducting PME activities help do?
By conducting PME activities, Army forces continually help combatant commanders shape their areas of responsibility (AORs).
List the Dimensions of the Operational Environment.
- Threat- Political- Unified action- Land combat operations- Technology
What are each of the six Dimensions of the Operational Environment affects on the Army forces?
Each affects how Army forces combine, sequence, and conduct military operations.
To Be continued
Left off with the Threat Dimension