Ontario Driver's Test G1 Class

I'm creating these flashcards to help me prepare for the G1 Class Ontario Driver's Test. They probably won't involve everything, because some things I can remember, so make sure you study in your own way!

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 195

Cards In This Set

Front Back
When parking facing downhill, turn your front wheels towards ______.
Answer 1
The curb or right shoulder. This will keep the vehicle from rolling into traffic if the brakes become disengaged.
When parking facing uphill with a curb, turn your front wheels towards _______.
Answer 2
The road. The tires will catch the curb if it rolls backward.
When parking facing uphill without a curb, turn your front wheels towards ______.
Answer 3
The right. If the vehicle rolls, it will go off the road rather than into traffic.
Question 4
What does this sign mean?
You are coming to a school zone. Slow down, drive with extra caution, and watch for children.
Question 5
What does this sign mean?
A yield sign. It means you must let traffic in the intersection or close to it go first. Stop if necessary and go only when the way is clear.
Question 6
What does this sign mean?
You may park in the area between the signs during the times posted. (Used in pairs or groups.)
Question 7
What does this sign mean?
Do not stand in the area between the signs. This means you may not stop your vehicle in this area except to load or unload passengers. (Used in pairs or groups.)
Question 8
What does this sign mean?
Do not pass on this road.
A black sign with a white directional arrow on it indicates _____.
The direction drivers in this lane must travel.
Question 10
What does this sign mean?
This sign, above the road or on the ground, means the lane is only for two-way left turns.
Question 11
A sign like this indicates ____,
These anes are only for specific types of vehicles, either all the time or during certain hours.
A yellow diamoned shaped sign is used to _________.
Warn drivers of dangerous or unusual conditions ahead such as a curve, turn, dip or sideroad.
Question 13
Posted under a curve warning, this sign indicates:
The maximum safe speed for the curve.
Question 14
What does this sign mean?
Shows maximum safe speed on ramp.
Question 15
What does this sign mean?
Steep hill ahead, you may have to use a lower gear.