Oddysey Book 12

Book 12 words

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Abominably =(
Adv. in a hateful way; horribly
"but that is the den of Scylla, where she yaps abominably, a newborn whelp's cry, thought she is huge and monstrous." (930. 43-45.)
The monster growled so abominably that the townsfolk could feel his hatred.
Lurk =(
V. To lie hidden, ready to ambush
"A great wild fig, a shaggy mass of leaves, grows on it, and Charybdis lurks below to swallow down the dark sea tide." (930. 61-63.)
The cat lurked behind the bush, waiting for its prey to draw near.
Chaos =(
N. Great disorder or confusion
" That nightmare cannot die, being eternal evil itself-horror, and pain, and chaos; there is no fighting her, no power can fight her, all that avails is flight." (932. 79-83.)
The chaos in the country's government led to corruption within its ranks and general dissension among its people.
Scourge =(
N. a cause of great suffering or destruction
"No, no, put all your backs into it, row on; invoke Blind Force, that bore this scourge of men, to keep her from a second strike against you." (932. 86-88.)
The Black Plague was a scourge against humans.
Dwindle =(
V. to become gradually less; diminish
"So all rowed on, until the Sirens dropped under the seam rim, and their singing dwindled away." (933. 129-131.)
The voices of the choir dwindled as the members began to stop singing.
Peril =(
N. danger; risk
"Now i say by hook or crook this peril too shall be something that we remember." (934. 148-150.)
The peril faced by the men of the expedition was immense; they risked their lives to explore this new territory.
Travail =l
N. Painful Effort
"And all this time, in travail, sobbing, gaining on the current, we rowed into the strait-Scylla to port and on our starboard beam Charybdis, die gorge of the salt sea tide." (936. 172-176)
The travail of the team helped it win the tournament.
Dire =(
Adj. Dreadful; terrible
"And all this time, in travail, sobbing, gaining on the current, we rowed into the strait-Scylla to port and on our starboard beam Charybdis, die gorge of the salt sea tide." (936. 172-176)
Despite the dire words of the prophet, the King went ahead and allowed the expedition, only to find that it failed.
Anguish =(
N. great physical or mental suffering; agony
"Voices came down to me in anguish, calling my name for the last time." (936. 191-192.)
The prisoners screamed in anguish as they were being forced to march for many miles.
Questing =l
Adj. Journeying over; exploring
"She ate them as they shrieked there, in her den, in the dire grapple, reaching still for me-and deathly pity ran me through at that sight- far the worst i ever suffered, questing the passes of the strange sea." (937. 199-203.)
Questing through the mountains made the territory explored for the first time.