OCTH Kinesiology Muscle Terms

Kinesiology terms for mini exam

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Classification of muscle produced movements
Postural movement ballistic movement tension movements
Postural movement
Holding still-fixating-body appears to be still but is actually moving from side to side and back and forth over its base of support Ex. Standing up
Ballistic movement
Forceful muscle contraction initiates the movement of the body part, but once initiated the movement continues on its own momentum Ex. golf, piano
Tension movements
Require constant muscular contraction throughout the range of movement. Two types: slow tension movements and fast tension movements
Slow tension movements
Ex. handwriting, maintenance of tension
Fast tension movements
Boxing and sprinting
Gradation of muscle contractions
The variations in the force with which a muscle will contract. Controlled by the number of motor units contracting and summation wave
Few motor units activated in contraction
Weaker contraction
Many units activated
Stronger contraction
Summation wave
Impulses are sent to muscles in slow succession
Contractile force
The ability of a muscle to contract forcefully. Depends on size-cross sectional measurement and proportion of active fibers
Cross sectional measurement of muscle
Age and growth plays a part. muscle grows or can atrophy as you age. How hard you work it - weight training
Proportion of active fibers
We don't always have active fibers, fibers can split with working out
Speed of contraction
Certain muscles because of anatomical and physiological make up are able to contract with great speed. train and condition to contract more quickly
The muscles ability to resist fatigue and to contract repeatedly against resistance. Influenced by..