Answer the Following Seawater Salinity Test Terms Flashcards

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Average salinity of the world ocean is about
The principle of constant proportions states that...
That the ratio of major salts in samples of seawater from various places is a constant
A physical or biological necessity whose presence in inappropriate amounts limits the normal action of an organism is called a
Limiting factor
T/F Evolution and extinction operate hand-in-hand to shape marine ecosystems through time
The zone of lighted ocean in which marine autotrophs tap more energy than they use to stay alive is called the
Euphotic zone
The organisms that produce food are called
Primary producers
The main inorganic nutrients necessary for the success of marine autotrophs are ...
Nitrates and phosphates
Why does the primary production in temperate regions change seasonally?
The amount of sunlight and wave energy change
The organism that consume autotrophs are called
Primary productivity is markedly higher in warm coastal waters than cool temperate waters
Inverebrates evolved ...
After the last of the snowball glaciations
Protozoa are
Both planktic andbenthic
T/F Cnidaria have a central nervous system
Which is correct?
Gastropod = Snail
T/F Enchinoderms possess a vascular system that pumps blood