Occupational Therapy Practice Frameworks

Describes various frameworks of occupational therapy: focus, basic assumptions, definition of function/dysfunction, how change/motivation occurs, evaluation process and intervention steps

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Occupational Behavior Theorist
Mary Reilly, Ann Mosey
Occupational Behavior basic assumption
Man has need to master/alter and improve environment and discover what is meaningful
Occupational Behavior theories
Work-Play continuum, achievement theory (exploration/competence) rolet heory (occupational role learning and choice)
Occupational Behavior Exploration
Exploration: search for new experiences for their own sake
Occupational Behavior Disabililty
Disability: when person suffers from lack of occupational fullfillment, competency, and achievement. Lack of self-competence and mastery
Occupational Behavior Function
Function: evident when person is capable of seeking, undertaking, adapting occupations that meet personal needs
Occupational Behavior Disability
Person suffers from lack of occupational fulfillment, competency, and achivement no self-competency/mastery
Occupational Behavior change/motivation
Complex process involving personal dynamics. encouraged by intrinsic drive toward mastery (innate). reward for behavior, utilize internal resources
Occupational Behavior evaluation process
No specific assessments: interest checklist, play history, inventory of occupational choice
Occupational Behavior intervention
Use of occupations to promote adaptation and life satisfaction
Occupational behavior vocabulary
Habits, roles, routines, competence, exploration, achievement, proficiency, balance
Model of Human Occupation: Theorist
Mary Reilly, Gary Kielhofner persons are helped to engage in occupational behaviors maintain, restore, reorganize, develop capacities, etc.
Model of Human Occupation: Focus
Mind/body connection: motivation and performance of occupations are interconnected. Person & Environment
Model of Human Occupation: Volition
Motivation for occupation
Model of Human Occupation: Habituation
Process by which occupation is organized into patterns or routines