Occupational Health & Safety

nEncourages prevention of accidents nEstablishes provincially-run programs nMedical care nRehabilitation services nWage loss recovery nDisability awards in case of injury &Income continuation nFuneral benefits for dependents

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Front Back
Workers compensation legislation
Encourages prevention of accidentsnEstablishes provincially-run programsnMedical carenRehabilitation servicesnWage loss recoverynDisability awards in case of injury &Income continuationnFuneral benefits for dependents
Health and safety legislation
nHealth and safety laws nWorker’s compensation laws n“need-to-know” legislation regarding hazardous situations or products nEmployee rights nRight to know nRight to participate nRight to refuse
nRequires all organizations to provide employees with the information about the material they work with nAims to prevent a workplace incident
nEssential element of MSDS:
nProduct information nHazardous ingredients nPhysical data( boiling point etc.) nFire & explosion hazrad nReactivity data nToxicological properties nPreventive and first aid measures and preparation information
Class A: Compressed Gas
This class includes compressed gases,dissolved gases and gases liquified by compression or refrigeration
Class B:Flammable and Combustible Material
Solids,liquids and gases capable of catching fire or exploding in the presence of a source of ignition
Class C:Oxidizing Material
Materials which provide oxygen or similar substances and which increase the risk of fire if they come into contact with flammable or combustible materials.
Class D: Division 1Poisonous & Infectious Materials
Materials Causing immediate and serious toxic effects.This division covers materials which can cause the death of a person exposed to small amounts.
Class D: Division 2
Materials causing other toxic effects.This division covers materials which cause immediate eye or skin irritation as well as those which can cause long-term effects in a person repeatedly exposed to small amounts.
Class D: Division 3
Bio hazardous infectious material.This division applies to materials which contain harmful microorganisms.
Class E:Corrosive Material
Acid or caustic materials which can destroy the skin or eat through metals.
Class F: Dangerously Reactive Material
Products which can undergo dangerous reaction if subjected to heat,pressure,shock or allowed to contact water.
Toxicity of a substance is the degree to which that substance can cause harm to biological tissue
Emergency Procedures
nSix Key elements 1.Compile a list of potential hazards (fires, explosions, floods) 2.Identify major consequences (casualties, damage) 3.Determine counter measures ( evacuation, rescue, firefighting) 4.Resources needed (medical supplies, rescue equipment, training personnel) 5.Establish emergency organization and procedures 6.Communication and training and periodic drills to ensure performance
Legal Liability and Due Diligence
Every employer shall inform the board/authority immediately of the occurrence of any accident which: (a) resulted in serious injury to or the death of a worker, or (b) involved a major structural failure or collapse of a building, bridge, tower, crane, hoist, temporary construction support system, or excavation, or (c) involved the major release of a hazardous substance, or (d) was an incident required by regulation to be reported.