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Goodels sign
Softening of cervix (by 8 weeks)
Chadwicks sign
Cervical cyanosis (by 8 weeks)
Hegars sign
Softening of cervicouterine junction (by 8 weeks)
Fetal heart tones
By 10-12 weeks
Fetal movement
By 10-12 weeks
US for fetal survey
18-20 weeks
Triple or quad screen
At 16-20 weeks
trople - HCG, estriol and alpha-fetoprotein
quad screenL HCG, estriol, alpha-fetoprotein and inhibin-A
1-hour GTT
At 20 weeks if hx of diabetes or pt is over 200 lb
at 28 routine screening
28 weeks
Prenatal visit schedule
0-28 q 4 weeks
28-36 q 2 weeks
36-delivery q weeks
Naegele's rule
9 months + 7 days
Pregnancy termination prior to 24 weeks
Abortion drugs
First trimester - mifeprostone (RU 486)
second trimester - misoprostol
BP over 140/90 or rise in over 30/15 at 2 ocasions with reading 6 hrs apart
hx: HTN, renal, cardiocascular, DM, lupus, autoimmune disorders, multiple gestation or first child, old or young mother, hx of PIH
dx: BP, CBC, LFTs, 24 hrs urine for protine, Cr clearance, U/S PRN
TX: rest, if worsens - referral
PIH + proteinuria + generalised edema after 20 weeks gestation
S/S: sudden wt gain (over 2 lb per week or 6 lb per month), edema (non-dependent, generalized and facial), frontal or occipital H/A, visual disturbances
tx: referral