OB221 Exam #1


24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Teams versus Groups
Teams have...Common PurposeMutual AccountabilityTask interdependance
Causes of Team Cohesiveness
Member similarityMember interactionTeam successTeam sizeExternal challengesSomewhat difficult entry
Team Decision Making Problems
GroupThinkGroup polarizationSocial LoafingTime Constraints Evaluation Apprehension
Conditions for Social Loafing
Low task importanceLow accountabilityLow task interdependence Individual input not visiblelow collectivist values
Team cohesiveness
The degree of attraction to and desire to remain a team. It is both calculative (team will help achieve goals) and emotional (team social identity)
Conditions for Team Effectiveness
1. Trust among members2. Sense of group identity (norms)3.Sense of group efficacy
Homogeneous Teams
Less conflict, faster development, better at simple tasks, less creative, efficient coordination (as opposed to heterogeneous teams that have more conflict, slower development, better at complex tasks, and more creativity)
Seabiscuit and Team Cohesiveness
Cohesiveness is demonstrated through a team that shares information (Ret admits to being blind), desires to remain a team (Charles keeps team intact), has strong bonds (public statement that Red will remain), resolves conflict effectively, and creates external threats (public challenge to War Admiral).
Lessons from seabiscuit
1. Ability to deal with adversity matters2. Find & leverage complimentary skills3. Support systems, trust, allowing mistakes - all drive innovation,inspiration and committment
Team Norms Develop Through...
1.Initial team experiences2.Critical events in team history3.Values brought into team by individuals4.Influential leaders, members, organizations
Effective Teams
1. Focus on efforts2. Open communication3.Quality of climate they operate in
Trouble with teams
Some tasks are better competed by an individualprocess losseslack of organizational supportsocial loafing
5 Dysfunctions of a Team
1. Absence of trust2.Fear of conflict3. Lack of committment4. Avoidance of accountability5. Inattention to results
Team stages
1. Forming2. Storming3. Norming4. Performing (clearly defined and stated goals, coordinated activities, we act as a team rather than individuals)5. Adjourning
Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory
Physiological -> Safety -> Belongingness -> Esteem -> Self Actualization