OB Exam 3

WSU College of Nursing Obstetrics N416 exam 3 material

192 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Less than 10th percentile, at risk for heat loss (decreased brown fat), hypoglycemia
Within 10 and 90th percentile
Greater than 90th precentile
Blood glucose <40 mg/dl. At risk (SGA, LGA, labor stress, cold stress, immature liver, premature, sepsis, insulin dependent diabetic mother (out of control A1C), late preterm). Prevention is early feeding
Autonomic regulation

Respiratory rate and pattern, HR, O2 saturation
Motoric stress
Extension of extremities or limp extensions
State regulation
Transitions between states and stages of alert/sleep.
Attention interaction
Focus and response
Premature lungs
Lack of surfactant, pulmonary hypertension, increased musculature of pulmonary arteries, decreases blood flow to alveoli, which collapse. Will be on ventilator with nitric oxide (relaxes muscles, opens pulmonary arteries, 5 sec half life). Will oxygenate best prone position (butt up)
Premature gut
Suck/swallow/breathe not developed. Trophic feeds, 0.5 ml/hr, prime gut with breast milk.
Hypothermia therapy
Must be >36 wk gestation with blood gas <7.0. May have eperienced hypoxic insult. Cool to 34 C for 72 hrs (to stop brain cell death, gradually increase temp 1.5 C over 6 hr)
Brain damage, "yellow brain". High levels of bilirubin cross blood brain barrier and stain ganglia. Causes cerebral palsy.
Assess jaundice. Light 6-8 in from baby, conjugates bilirubin in skin capillaries, measure blue light, wear eye protection, rotate skin surfaces, and maintain skin integrity
Neonatal infection
Skin is very thin, poor phagocytosis, IgG and IgM can't cross placenta. E coli is #1 infection, group B strep #2. Steroids decrease chance of getting infection.
Congenital heart defects
At 24 hrs of age (when ductus arteriosus closes), compare right hand to foot O2 sat. Repeat in one hour if 94 or less. Assess upper and lower pulses.