OB Exam 2

WSU College of Nursing N416 Exam 2 material

150 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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S/S perinatal mood disorder
Mood volatility, loss of control, feeling trapped, heightened anxiety about baby's safety, delayed feelings of lov for baby, depressive mood, sadness, diminished interest in activities, feeling of worthlessness, recurrent thoughts of death/suicid, >12 of edinburgh postnatal depression scal
Biological risk factors of perinatal mood disorders
Hx depression, depressive symptoms during pregnancy, family hx of dpression, hx of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (severe PMS), PP blues
Psychosocial risk factors of perintatal mood disorders
Lack of social support, poor/no relationship with father of baby, stressful lif evens, primiparitiy, adolescence, certain ethnicities
PTSD after childbirth
Traumatic childbirth, emergent cesarean, forcep or vaccum extraction, prolapsd cord. Relive the experience, recurrent nightmares
PP panic disorder
Intense fear of harm/harming baby, palpitations, hyperventilation, sweating, chest pain, difficulty caring for or leaving baby
Intrusive thoughts/images of severe harm to baby, mother sometimes imagines herself inflicting harm
Nursing care of PP depression women
Assess risk factors at admission, administer ediburgh postnatal depression scale evening before discharge, any woman with score >13 given list of resources, instructed to slf readminister EPDS scael at one week after discharge
PP dpression tx
Stress reduction, support/help from family friends, support groups, psychotherpay, medications (SSRIs for prophylaxis), estradiol to replace estrogen, light therapy
PP psychosis symptoms
Depression, mania, mixed, cycling, suicidal impulses, hallucinations, delusions, delusion-based homicidal/infanticidal impulses, disturbances of consciousness, attention, cognition, perception, fluctuation of symptoms
PP psychosis risk factors
Hx schizophrenia, bipolar disorder with psychotic breaks. risk increases with# of prior episodes
PP psychosis management
Hospitalize, constant close observation, supervised visits with baby
PP psychosis tx
Mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antidepresssants, benzodiazepines, ECT to reset mood
PP vital signs
BP should be be baseline (1st prenatal visit), pulse rate low (decreased volume & cardiac effort, blood loss), elevated temp to 100.4 normal (worry at 101), pain
PP pain
Cramping/uterine contractions normal (worse after breast feeding due to release of oxytocin, worse for multiparous because uterus is stretched out). Premedicate with ibuprofen. Perineum/incisional--ice packs
Utuerus returns to normal size/shape, cesarean may go faster.