Nutrition 202 Exam 1

The flash cards are for Nutrition 202 Chapters 1-5. 

116 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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People eat for many reasons...these reasons are often more important than nutrition
taste, culture, habit, tradition, cost, advertising & convenience
Chemicals body needs for growth, maintenance & repair of tissues
6 classes of nutrients
Water, carbohydrate, lipid, protein, vitamin, and mineral
Measure of nutrients provided relative to calories provided
Nutrient density
Foods that have one or more nutrients added
Fortified foods
Found in plant foods and have health promoting properties
Contain Carbon and Hydrogen
Organic Substances
Contain beneficial, not necessarily nutrient, health benefits
Functional Foods
Contribute energy and include carbohydrate, fat and protein
Macro-nutrients for:
Carbs- 9 calories/gramFats- 4 calories/gramProtein- 4 calories/gramAlcohol- 7 calories/gram
1 pound of body weight equals how many calories?
3500 calories = 1 lb
Do not contribute energy & include vitamins and minerals, but they are necessary to regulate many body processes.
the most important nutrient in our food and bodies & is largest component in both
Good nutrition should prevent or delay...
and help reduce...
chronic disease
medical costs
The study of nutrition and genetic interactions in individuals
Nutritigenomics (nutritional genomics)