Nutrition 101 Exam 2

Combines lessons that talk about Metabolism and Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids, Eating Disorders, and Weight Loss and Weight Management

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

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Where is Fat(lipids) usually digested?
In the Small Intestine
What must happen to fat before it can be used in the body?
It must be emulsified by bile
How are small fats absorbed? large fats?
Small fats: Directly in blood stream Large fats: Clustered w/ lipoprotein and then carried to the blood stream
Define: Chylomicrons
Made up mostly of triglycerides, made up from fat in diet.
Define: VLDL
VLDL: made up mainly of triglycerides
Define: LDL? HDL?
LDL(less desirable):made up mostly of cholesterol HDL(highly desirable):made up primarily of protein. Helps carry cholesterol go to liver to be processed
Good lipid profile and cholesterol
Total Cholesterol: less than 200; LDL: less than 100; HDL: greater than/equal to 60 mg/deciliter