Nursing Skills Final Exam

108 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Irregular shaped elevated or superficial localized edema (itching may be present)
Nurses first reaction to wound evisceration
Reinfored with sterile gauze soaked in saline
While performing oral care to an unconscious pt what should the nurse always have on hand?
Have suction ready
How often should a nurse perform an assessment
Whenever the nurse deems necessary (or at the beginning of every shift)
How to prevent atelecatsis in a pt
Incentive spirometer (coughing and deep breathing exercises)
What should the nurse teach pts who are on home I&O
What foods to include as intake (icecream & jello, anything liquid at room or body temp)
When a surgicial wound opens and departs at the layers
How much volume in a residual tells the nurse that she should withhold the tube feeding?
> 100 mL
Best way to gain cooperation and compliance of a client
Explain the procedure and the rational (why this is being performed)
Best method to respond to a pt who is not willing to cooperate
Question the pt on why they are refusing treatment (maybe they are scared and you can help them by explaining the procedure)
Best way to teach a pt who had a CVA how to feel themselves
Pantomim with verbal instruction (show pt this is how you chew)
Joint in which passive circumduction is performed
How to measure most accurate amount foley drainage
Use a measuring device/container, place on a flat surface and look at eye level
Cold therapy
Vasoconstriction, reduced cell metabolism, increased blood viscosity
therapeutic affect - works as an analgesic

use 10-20 mins q hr, assess q 5 mins
Pulse pressure
Difference btwn systolic and diastolic BP