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Why move patients
Movement is good for patients. Look to see if they need or have assistance
Out of bed
Hypostatic Pneumonia
Hypoventalation. Not taking deep breaths. Secretations will pool or collect in air sacs in lower part of lungs.
Thrombus formation
Blood clot. Deep vein thrombus (DVT). Injury to vein, maybe surgery, broken bone, clotting disorder, not thin clumpping together, smokers are more prone, obese or overweight patients. Maybe runs in family
Can't move bowels
Joints are inflexable, gets stuck.
Foot drop
Foot just drops due to not exercising. Muscle gets very weak. May put high top sneakers on
Skin breakdown and decubitus ucler formation
Red, skin breaks down and ucles form. Caused from laying down and not moving. Move patients.
Urinary tract infection
Urine is not moving and particles settle causing a urinary tract infection. Caused from patient not moving. Keep hydrated, drink more.
Kidney stone formation
Caused by not moving and not hydrated enough
Mechinacal device that wraps around calfs or lower legs. Turn on and they pump up and promote venous return which gets blood back up in circulation.
Loss of sensation and loss of movement
Parital paralysis
Weakness unilateral
One sided paralysis