Nursing Process: Diagnosing

Nursing 111 at JSR

68 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Nursing Diagnosis
Includes helath states nurses are able and liscensed to treat through systematic data collection, deals with quality of life issues
Medical Diagnosis
Diseases, trama, pathophysiology focus, provides a means of communicationg treatment requirements
Components of nursing diagnosis
Diagnostic label, descriptors, definition, risk factors, related factors
Cue Clustering
Take individual cues and group them to derive meaning from data collected, look for pattern, several cues form a cluster
Data from assessment, look for relationships and patterns from subjective and objective data that deviate from standards or norm
Cluster Interpretation
Synthesizes cue clusters based on pattern suggested by clusters, for forming diagnosis
Errors in cluster interpretation
Incorrect clustering, incorrect interpretation, inadequate information in cluster, lack of knoledge/experience
Nursing diagnosis Validation
2 statges: cue clusters interpreted and compared with norms, specific nursing diagnosis is evealuated for research base
Format for Writing Nursing Diagnosis
3 parts:problem statement, related to factors/etiology, as manifested by(actual problems)
Nursing Diagnosis is never...
The patient's medical diagnosis
Example of nursing diagnosis
Acute pain related to surgical trauma as manifested by facial grimmace and verbal reports of pain
Risk Nursing Diagnosis
Diagnostgic lable/problem statement, risk factors i.e. risk for aspiration r/t decreased level consciousness
Wellness Nursing Diagnosis
Diagnosticl label only/clinical judgements about person in transition i.e. Readiness for enhanced parenting
Provides planned care to reduce extent of problem and meet pt. needs, action/initiation phase, documentation, all five steps in action
Skills required for Implementation
Intellectual, interpersonal, technical skills nurse can delegae parts of plan of care to other members