Nursing Leadership and Management

Management and Leadership within nursing

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 212

Cards In This Set

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Commitment to the struggle
Getting others to come along
The person appointed who has power and authority to implement the process of guiding and directing the work of others.
Management Process
Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling (Please only say dumb colleen)
Frederick Taylor
“Scientific management”
Henri Fayol
Production stages
Max Weber
Classic organization >Ideal is bureaucracy
Mary Follett
Human Relations (pro labor)
Kurt Lewin
Behavioral perspective (Human Relations)
Douglas McGregor
Theory X & Y -X: lazy and will avoid work if they can. -Y: ambitious, self-motivated, and exercise self-control
Peters & Waterman
Everybody does what they do best
Steven Covey
Wrote 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
-Proactive -Begin with the end in mind -Put first things first -Think WIN – WIN -Seek first to understand -Synergize -Sharpen the saw
Put first things first
Quadrant 1: important/urgent 2: important/nonurgent 3: not important/urgent 4: not important/not urgent
Paradigms of Interdependence
-Understanding the individual/Attending to little things/Keeping commitments/Clarifying expectations/Showing personal integrity/Apologizing sincerely