Nursing 243: Quiz 3- Toddler Packet 1

This set of flashcards covers the material discussed in the first powerpoint of toddlerhood.

104 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
When does an infant transition into toddlerhood?
When he or she takes his or her first steps
How is the symbiotic mother-child relationship changing?
It includes father and larger family
Attachment behavior of toddler
-directed toward several people, but usually greater toward one person
The importance of the toddler maintaining proximity to the parents
-child touches home base-reassurance of parental presence (smile, verbal, visual, or touch contact)
"New baby" vs toddler
-crisis for toddler-emphasize "big boy"/"big girl"
Separation anxiety
-response to separation from mother (primary caretaker)-intensifies 16 to 18 months and again at 24 months, feelings of anger, fear, and grief that lead to anxiety-cognitively- object ceases to exist when out of site-more accustomed to strangers will suffer less from brief separations
Phases of Separation
(James Robertson)1. Protest2. Despair3. Denial
-lasts few hours or days-child cries continually-tries to find mother-terrified-fears deserted, helpless, angry-clings to mother on return
-quiet stage-characterized by hopelessness, moaning, sadness, and less activity-in deep mourning, does not cry-does not understand why mother has deserted-regresses to earlier behavior-makes no demands on environment-does not respond to overtures from others, including mother-clings if permitted
-occurs after prolonged separation-defends against anxiety by repressing image of and feelings for mother-may be misinterpreted for recovery-child begins to take interest in environment-eats and plays-accepts other adults-anger and disappointment at Mom so deep, child acts as though does not need her-child's need for mom is more intense
Family Unit for toddler
-chief molder of personality-home is center of world-normal responses-needs parents-promote family-centered care (explain procedures, visiting hours, spend the night, parent participation in care)
Family Developmental Tasks
1. spiraling costs of family living2. safe and comfortable home with adequate space (opportunities to enhance child's abilities)3. maintain sexual involvement4. satisfactory division of labor (expectations of daily behavior, structuring routines to meet family and individual needs)5. understand between toddler and family6. decide upon more children7. rededicating themselves to be childbearing family
Physical Appearance at 12-15 months
-loose roly-poly look of infant-infant -chest circumference > head circumference -abdomen protruding -torso tilting forward -legs at stiff angles -flat feet space wide apart-adipose tissue
Physical appearance at 2 years
-face contours fill out-deciduous teeth (baby teeth)-at 2 years the child has 16 teeth-muscle tone firmer-more weight gain muscle and bone, less fat
General Toddler appearance
-still looks babyish-heads begin to rise above dining room table until can see what is on surface-views most of world from underside of things-reach for and eventually grab objects-bottom-heavy appearance (bulky diaper)-limbs grow faster than torso-legs short