NUR 204 Test 1

Health Assessment 204

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What causes the S1 sound? What does it signal? Where is it heard the loudest at?
The closure of the AV valves. Signals the beginning of systole. Loudest at the Apex
What causes the S2 sound? What does it signal? Where is it heard the loudest at?
The closure of the SL valves. Signals the beginning of diastole. Loudest over the Base
When does the S3 sound occur?
Occurs when the ventricles are resistant to filling during the early rapid filling phase
When does the S4 sound occur?
Occurs at the end of diastole when the ventricle is resistant to filling
At the Apex, which sound is louder? What does this sound like?
S1 is louder than S2. (LUB-dup)
At the Base, which sound is louder? What does this sound like?
S2 is louder than S1. (lub- DUP)
Which side of the stethoscope is used to hear High frequency sounds?
Which side of the stethoscope is used to hear low frequency, softer sounds?
What 4 Characteristics of sound is the Heart described by?
Frequency, Intensity, Duration, Timing
What does the P Wave on an ECG represent?
The depolarization of the atria
What does the QRS Complex on an ECG represent?
The depolarization of the ventricles
What does the T Wave on an ECG represent?
The repolarization of the ventricles
What are Bruits?
Abnormal sounds caused by turbulent blood flow usually in a vessel in the neck
What is a Murmur?
Backflow due to ineffective closing of valves. Results in a gentle, swooshing sound.
What is Arrythmia?
Any group of conditions where there is abnormal electrical activity of the heart