Neuroscience Exploring the Brain Chapter 2

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Glia Cells
Outnumber neurons 10:1, insulate, support, and nourish neurons, repair injuries, remove debris
Process information, sense environmental change, communicate changes to other neurons, command body's response to environment
Two Principle Brain Cell Types
Neurons and Glia
Neuron Doctrine
Neurons Basic Functional Units of Nervous System
Conform to Cell Theory
Communicate through synapses
Neuron Visualization
Nissl Stain - stains nucleolus (rRNA) and Nissl bodies (ribosomes, RER)
Golgi Stain - silver chromate stains .5% of neurons
Camillio Golgi
Golgi stain
Nervous system composed of continuous reticulum (wrong)
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Neurons exist in discrete entities, communicate by contact
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
Two-Photon Miscroscopy
Electron Microscopy (resolution .1nm)
Protein synthesis in soma and dendrites
RER - translation for export and insertion into plasma membrane
Free Ribosomes - translation for relsea into cytosplasm and transport to nucleus
Cellular respiration in soma, axons, axon terminals, dendrites
Pyruvic acid for Krebs Cycle
ADP + P --> ATP
17 ATP per 1 pyruvic acid
Phospholipid bilary 5nm thick
Varying protein composition influences neuronal function
Microtubules 20nm - alpha and beta tubulin monomers through acon and neurites, polymerization and depolymerization, regulated by MAPs
Neurofilmanets 10nm - three protein strands of dimer filaments, strong, cell shape, least dynamic
Microfilmanets 5nm - two strains of polymerized actin monomers, dynamically regulate cell shape, anchored to membranes
Stabilizes microtubules
Abnormal lead to aggregation and microtubule disintegration
Axon hillock, axon proper, axon terminal
Distinct protein composition
No microtubules in terminals
Synaptic vesicles in terminals
Membrane proteins in terminals
Large number of mitochondria in terminals
Point of contact separated by 20nm called synaptic cleft
Information transmission from presynaptic to postsynaptic