NCLEX Condition Review

Condition Rev iew for NCLEX

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Thyroid Storm
Often triggered by stressors, trauma, infection, dka, preganancy. Life threatening. Fever, palpitations, tachycardia, systolic hypertension.
Affects most body systems creating HYPERmetabolism and increased sympathetic N.S. Activity. Diaphoresis, Tachypenia, Tachi card, Dysrythmias HEAT INTOLERANCE/ FINE SILKY HAIR
Graves Disease
Pt. has a goiter (enlargement of thyroid)/ Exopthalmos.
Cool, pale yellowish, dry course and scaly skin. Women more than men. Results in a mucinous edema called MYXEDEMA. This edema changes the patients appearance and forms EVERYWHERE. Tongue, laranx, voice turns husky.
HYPERPARAthyroid Glands
Maintain Calcium and Phosphate balance. Increases in ParaThyroid Hormone act directly on the kidney causing INC. Reabsorbtion of Ca and increased excretion of Phos. Increas PTH acts causes increasing OSTEOCLASTIC activity releasing Ca and Phos into blood. Can cause kidney stones. Causes HYPOCALCEMIA = Posive chvosteks and Trousseaus sign.
Diabetes Mellitus
Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia. Polyuria developes due to excessive glucose in blood. Excrete Na and K as well leading to excessive thirst -polydipsia. Because of the lack of glucose, cells are not being feed = polyphagia.
Diabetes Insipidus
Water Metabolism problem caused by an Anti Diuretic Hormone DEFICIENCY resulting in large amounts of Dilute Urine causing increased thirst! Poly -Urea, Poly Dipsia. Can be caused by lithium.
ADH continues to be released even plasma is hypo-osmolar. WATER IS RETAINED resulting in Dilutional HYPONATREMIA
Cushing's Disease
HYPERCORTISOLISM-Excessive excretion of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex. INcrease in total body fat and fat redistribution create a buffalo hump and moon face ajnd paper like skin. decrease muscle. pituitary cushings, adrenal cushings and cushings syndrome from drug therapy. Higher fasting Blood glucose. Most likely from an ADENOMA
Brudzinski's Sign
Answer 10
Brudzinski's Sign- flexion results in cervical pain and reflex FLEXION of the hip and knee.
Kernigs Sign
Answer 11
Kernigs Sign- Reflex contraction and pain on extension of the lower leg from a postion of 90 degree hip flexion while the patient is supine.
S3 Heart Sound
Left ventricular failure, volume overload
S4 Heart Sound
Forceful Atrial Contraction from resistance to ventricular filling.
Sarcoidoisis is a chronic, multi-system granulomatous disease of unknown origin. Affectsl the lungs the most. Possible spontaneous resolution, Corticosteroids are the most commonly used agents for treatment.
Myathenia Gravis
MG is an autoimmune process in which acetlycholine receptors are attacked at the NM junction.
MG Crisis= Acute exacerbation of muscle weakness
Tensilon Test IV administration of an Anticholinesterse agent. MG Crisis = improved contractility. Cholinergic crisis = too much Anticholinesterase drugs, may have fasciulations and sweating. Tensilon increases muscle weakness in ACH Crisis and atropine is Antidote.