NAVLE Review- Infectious Agents

Block IV course work- agents

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Causative agent of pink eye in cattle.
Moraxella bovis
#1 cause of blindness in horses
Leptospira interrogans pomona

(Causes recurrent uveitis)
#1 spp. in canine cystitis.
#1 family and main virulence factor
E. coli
Enterobacter spp.- Pili
Two urease producing bacteria in canine UTIs:

Sequela of a urease producing pathogen:
Coagulase + Staphylococci (usually intermedius)
Proteus mirabilis

Ammonia > Alkaline urine > uroliths (struvite)
One method of localizing a UTI.
Bladder washout- drain bladder, flush with antimicrobial solution, re-sample. Sterile sample = bladder only, non-sterile= kidneys.
Causative agent of canine tracheobronchitis.
Bordetella bronchiseptica

(Kennel Cough)
Main causative agents of UTIs in cats.
Enterobacter spp. (Proteus, E. coli, Klebsiella) and coagulase positive Staph
Main cause of UTIs in cattle
Corynebacterium spp.
Causative agent of "pizzle rot" or posthitis
Predisposing factor in diet
Corynebacterium spp.
Rich legume pastures (high protein)
Treatment for cattle with UTIs
Penicillin, large doses, early in disease
Agent responsible for venereally transmitted UTIs in sows.
Actinobaculum suis
Blood and pus in urine of breeding sows
Effects of urease-producing bacteria in ruminant bladder infections
Change pH to akaline, inhibit effects of complement, enhance bacterial survival. induce tissue damage, inflammation
Causes upper respiratory tract signs with white plaques in cattle
Causes dendritic ocular ulcers in cats
Feline herpes virus
Upper respiratory diease in cats seen with oral ulcers,