Nature and Value of Human Life

RS A2 Unit 4 AQA

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Buddhists believe that human nature is.... therefore it is...
Human nature is trapped therefore it is natural to crave.
Explain what a conscious being means to a Buddhist
- Being reborn into Samsara and the doctrine of no soul: Anatta and impermanence: Anicca.
What do the five precepts lead to?
- Spiritual progress.
What are the three poisons?
- Greed, hate and ignorance.
Who do Theravada Buddhists believe can only be enlightened?
What do Mahayana Buddhists believe about the nature of human life?
- Enlightenment and Nirvana can be reached by all. The nature of a Buddhist is a compassionate and enlightened one.
What is the central idea for Christian beliefs on the Nature of Human life?`
ONTOLOGICAL FREEDOM- West: Image and Likeness of God.East: Grow in the likeness.
After the fall, what sort of natures are shown by Calvin, Augustine and Iraneaus.
Calvin: depraved.Augustine: damaged.Iranean: progressive.
Explain the beliefs about an elevated nature determined from Genesis 1 and 2.
"MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD"- Humans have an ability to love, a sense of freewill, creativity, reason and a moral sense.- This is a holistic view as Adam and Eve are unified as a couple through the integration of Body and Soul.
Explain Calvinist views on the nature of human life
- Western view first shown in The Reformation.- pessimistic, obliterated and extremist human nature.- Nature is evil, damaged and irretrievable after the fall.- Incarceration served to pay debt to God.- Humans have an 'imputed sense of justice', therefore there is no ontological change.BLEAK SOTIEROLOGY AND NEGATIVE OUTLOOK.
Explain Irenaeus' views on the nature of human life
- No original sin as humans are spiritual children, imperfect from the onset and are deemed to progress.- Fall seen as a mistake, and nature is progressive as an ideal is yet to be found.- Incarnation bridges the epistemic gap between humans and God.
Explain Augustine views on the nature of human life
- Nature is damaged by the fall, and flawed in need of redemption: it is stained by original sin.- Humans have a mortal nature with an immortal soul.- Baptism and Gods grace needed to love and make moral decisions.- Incarceration and sacrifice of Jesus to restore human nature.- Love, reason and moral sense are compromised.
What are the Buddhist beliefs on human value?
- By following the 5 precepts you can progress spiritually and all life is valuable. There is an interconnectedness through the web of life: Karma and Ahisma. - Dualist view: mind over body.- Mahayana- high value, pure compassion.
Describe the Eastern views (Irenaeus) on human value
- No original sin and all humans are valuable to God.- The fall is part of Gods plan and value of humans increases as they progress spiritually.- Value to God is infinite and humans have an intrinsic worth.
Describe the Western views (Calvin) on human value
- Pessimistic and devastating view therefore human nature is devalued.- No ontological value and a sense of extreme predestination.- Value superficial and institutional.- Instrumental value.BLEAK SOTIEROLOGY