Nature of Philosophy

To review for exams of Philosophy.  This is only for INTRODUCTION to Philosophy.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is Plato’s famous Dialogue?
The Republic –it asks 2 central questions: what is the meaning of Justice and What is the nature of a just society?
What is justice?
We think of justice as criminal cases and problems of punishment. This is Retributive Justice.
What is Plato’s philosophy in The Republic?
Book VI says everyone has his or her “place” and justice means that they act accordingly.
What is then the highest form?
For Plato, it is the idea or form of Goodness.
Who is Thrasymachus?
A Sophist who asks for money for his definition. His definition offered: “the Just is nothing else than the advantage for the stronger.”
Book IV of The Republic says…
Being ideal gives us four great virtues: Wisdom, Courage, Discipline, and Justice.
What, then, is Goodness? Is it Knowledge of the Good?
It is not knowledge of the Good. It is a circular answer.
Is Goodness Pleasure?
No, it is not. Some pleasures are bad and the good can never be bad.
What is the virtue of Reason?
Virtue is righteousness, Wisdom or Justice.
What was Aristotle?
If Plato was an Idealist, Aristotle was a realist. If Plato’s reality was understood mathematically, Aristotle understood it Biologically.
What is the starting point of Reasoning?
For Aristotle, the starting point of Reasoning would be the categories.
What did Aristotle invent?
Aristotle invented formal logic.
What was the subject of categories for Aristotle?
Substance –it is a composite of form and matter.
What are Primary Substances?
Primary substances are the individuals of which reality consists of those which timelessly are, and those which by natural processes have come to be
What is Ethics?
The word Ethics is derived from the Greek ethos, which means ‘habit,’ ‘custom,’ in the singular and ‘character’ in the Plural. (the good life)