Topic 1 of Pr eliminar

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 219

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What is the role of a business?
The role of the business is toproduce and sell, for a profit, the products that satisfy consumers wants and needs, and contribute to the Australian Economy.
What is a business?
Can be defined as the organised effort of individuals to produce and sell, for a profit and produce products that satisfy individuals needs and wants
What is a product?
A product is a good or service that can be bought or sold.
What are Goods?
Are items that can be seen or touched.
What are services?
They are things done for you by others.
What are finished products?
A finished product is one that is ready for customers to buy and use.
What is production?
It refers to those activities undertaken by the business that combine the resources to create products that satisfy customers needs and wants.
What is the nature of business?
Is the different business acitivities businesses undertake. For eg, production, marketing and planning finances.
What is the most important business activity undertaken by businesses?
What are the social and economic importance of a business?
They are profit, Employment, Incomes, Choice, Innovation, Entreprenuership, Wealth Creation and Quality of life.
What is revenue?
Revenue is the money a business receives as payment for its products.
What are operating expenses?
Operating Expenses are all the costs of running the business except the costs of goods sold.
What is profit?
Profit is what remains after all business expenses have been deducted from sales revenue.
What is income?
Income is money received by a person for providing his or her labour, or a business from a reture on its investments.
What is the difference between a wage and a salary?
A wage is money received by workers, usually on a weekly basis, for services they provide to an employer. A salary is a fixed amount of money paid on a regular basis, usually fortnightly or monthly, to a permament employee of a business.