National Board Exam: Funeral Service History Subtest

Sociology & History 

129 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Adaptive Funeral Rite
A funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs and wants of those directly involved.
Blended Family
Membership consists of one male and one female and the children from their previous marriages and may include children from the present marriage.
The creation of a system that governs through departments and subdivisions managed by sets of officials following an inflexible routine.
Ceremony (ritual)
An instrumental action dealing with death, which is also expressional - that is, it is charged with symbolic content expressing, among other thigs, the attitudes of the participants and possible onlookers (passive participants) who may be regarded as co-beneficiaries.
A social grouping which members posses roughly equivalent culturally valued attributes.
Two unrelated adults of the opposite sex sharing the same living quarters.
Living or happening in the same period.
Cultural Relativism
The emotional attitude that all cultures are equal and pertainent.
Cultural Universal
Abstract patters for living and dying which are identifiable in all cultures.
Consists of abstract pasterns (the rules, ideas, beliefs shared by members of a society) for living and dying; learned directly or indirectly
Social behavior as dictated by the traditions of the people.
Pertaining to demography; the science of vital statistics (births, death marriages, etc.) of populations.
Male and female have equal rights, duties, and governing power.
Enculturation (Socialization)
The method by which social values are internalized (learned).
Any of the basic divisions or groups of mankind, distinguished by customs, characteristics, language, rather than physical characteristics of race.