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30-Day mortality of acute MI?
Spont ____ and ___ of a coronary atherosclerotic plaque may occur, exposing a highly ___ surface. ___ ___ and ___ ___ follow, and the pt clinically presents with an ___ ___ ___
Fissure and rupturing; thrombogenic; platelet aggregation adn fibrin formation; acute coronary syndrome
What if thrombus--> complete occlusion? what if this is untreated? pathologic Q waves indicate what?
*get ST-elevation MI= STEMI *if untreated, get necrosis of myocardium *that necrosis occured throughout the entire thickness of the affected myocardium (doesn't always happen)
Get NSTEMI when?
Acute coronary syndromes with ischemic chest pain adn elevated biochem markers of myocaridal injury but no classic diagnostic ST elevation on ECG (NSTEMI)
In NSTEMI, path Q waves present?
Conditon that's similar to NSTEMI? how are they diff?
*unstable angina (transient thrombus adn occlusion) *no markers of infarction in unstable angina
Other than acute mi, mechs for which coronary blood flow or o2 supply or both can be acutely compromised--> mocardial ischemia and infarct?
*demand ishcemia (tachycardia, hypotension and/or severe hypoxia in setting of existing fixed CAD)
*coronary artery dissection (often in setting of dissecting aortic aneurysm
*coronary vasospasm (idiopathic Prinzmetal angina or drug-induced, eg: cocaine)
*in situ thrombus formation (in the setting of a hypercoag state)
*coronary embolism
*vasculitis (eg: Kawasaki disease)
*CO poisoning
Complications that can lead to death within 1 month from AMI?
*arrythmias (v fib/tachycardia, complete heart block) *heart failure (cardiogenic shock) *ventricular rupture (peak incidence within 3-5 days of AMI) *other mech complications (vnetricular septal defecta, mitral papillary rupture)
Death occuring >1 month after an AMI can be caused by what?
Reinfarction, progressive heart failure, or sudden arrhythmia
Pain symtpom in AMI?
Retrosternal chest pain, often starting at rest
Timing of pain in AMI?
Reaches a max over several min and then is prolonged and persistent
Radiation of AMI pain? how does nitrate affect pain?
*back, neck, arms, or jaw *may provide some relief but generally doesn't resolve the pain
Other symtpoms in AMI
Diaphoresis, dyspnea, nausea/vomiting, anxiety
Unstable angina may present in what ways/
Rest pain, new-onset exertional pain, or increasing severity or frequence of established angina
Atypical presentations of ami?
*pleuritic or sharp chest pain (10-20%) *elderly (esp ihave dementia), diabetics, post-op pts on analgesics: may not give hx of chest pain * instead have fatigue, nausea, syncope, sob