Music Exam 1

Flashcard for Music Exam 1

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Front Back
-First and most popular form of music
-Plantation songs
-Reinforced ugly strereotypes, whites playing blacks, blacks dressed up like whites playing blacks
-Racist -> sang slave songs
-Daddy vice - first to play, named it 'Jim Crow'
-Most popular form of music for a quarter of a century
-Use of rhythm, highly syncopated
-Scott Joplin - major influence on jazz
-Infinate number of variations -- need more than just technique, need real feeling
-Counterpart of the Black Baptist Church
-Incorporated call and response, told stories
Marching Band
-Played instruments trying to immitate sound of the human voices in blues
-Very popular
Field Cries
-Gospal music
Who brought reading music to the black population and why?
-The creols brought reading music to the black population when they were considered black
Buddy Bolden
-First one to play Jazz
-The Big Four - accent certain beat to create jazz
-First great Jazz superstar
-Heavy drinker - started to miss gigs and fight with his band
-In 1906 he played the last he would ever play in public at a parade before going to the Louisiana state insane asylum
-He made jazz sound like himself
Gellyrole Morton
-Lied about his heratage - really had a creol background but claimed to be white
-Played in a whore house, told grandma he was a night watchman
-Piano player - had a new mixed hybrid music
-One of the firsts to be able to read music
-First person to show that jazz could be written down - notation
Sydney Buche
-First real proficient protegy - could play clarinet at the age of 10
-Added more soul and improv to jazz
Louis Armstrong
-Played trumpet
-Called pops - "Father of Jazz"
-Left New Orleans to go to Chicago and join King Oliver's Band
-Abandon the rigidness and strictness or ragtime and gave jazz a more loose sound
-Elements of story telling
African Elements
-Syncopated rhythms - Notes fall on the off beat
-Story telling - community involvment
-Percussion - drums
-Rough vocal quality
-Antiphany - responding - "Hello" "Hello" (Call and response)
European Elements
-Instrumentation - drums, base, trumpet, even guitar - not banjo, came from west Africa
-Music notation - writing music down, how we read music
-Song forms - how songs are constructed
Early Genres
-Work songs - coordinat swing of hammer with beat
-Field cries - also used during work, as individual
-Spiritual - mix of both