Music As a World Phenomenon - Exam II

Flashcards to help me study for my music exam II

56 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Polyrhythmic Ensemble
Complex combined whole
Regarded with reverance
Not pertaining to or connected to religion
Shona Ethnic Group
Mbira, Drums, Zimbabwe
"Talking" Drums
Drums that tell a story, they "repeat" what the speaker says.
Yoruba Ethnic Group
Vodou, Haiti
Overlapping of religious practice
Originating in & characteristic of a particular region or country; native
Mandinka Ethnic Group
One of the Largest ethnic groups in W. Africa; Griots & Kora
Gypsy (Rom) Ethnic Group
An ethnic group originating in India characterized by a semi-nomadic lifestyle; popularly known as gypsies.
To move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompianment of music.
A group dispersion from a country or region
Ethnomusicological classification referring to instruments such as drums that use a vibrating stretched membrane as the principle means of sound production
Music with a single melodic line
An organized succession of pitches forming a musical idea