CAPP Muscle System

Muscle System CAPP

58 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Muscle fibers
Small number of motor units are involuntarily activated to produce a sustained contraction of their mm fibers
During a muscle contraction
The I bands and H zones become narrower and eventually disappear when the mm is maximally contracted
Breaks down ACH at the synapse causes muscle relaxation
(mm fiber will not get excited)
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
Slow the removal of ACh enhances mm contraction

used in treating alzheimer's patients
Botulinum toxin
Stops ACh from being barfed into the synapse - causing diaphragm paralysis and is found in improperly canned food
Blocks ACh from pushing the doorbell

natives used as a poison in arrow darts used in surgery to relay skeletal mm
Rigor mortis
Calcium leaks out after death stimulating muscles to contract
Slow oxidative (type I) mm
Very fatigue resistant
back and neck mm
need O2 at a slow and steady rate
postural mm
Fast oxidative (type IIa) mm
Moderate fatigue resistance
lactic acid build up over time
leg mm
needs O2 at a faster rate for faster contraction
Fast glycolytic (type IIb) mm
Fatigue quickly
most powerful contraction, most rapid
arm and shoulder mm
no O2 is used (anaerobic process)
Built in intrinsic contractions
does not need ACh to stimulate

cardiac and smooth mm
Increase mm diameter
2 degree sprain
Partially torn ligament
Overstretching of mm or tendon
Muscle spasm or cramp
Causes: electrolyte imbalance, ischemia, exercise induced, splinting