Muscle Relaxation, Stimulus Strength, Motor Units

Muscle relaxa tion

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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How do muscles relax?
Acheiveed by transportiong ca2+ back into the sacroplasmic reticulum
Muscle relaxation requires energy but not as much as?
Muscle contraction
In muscle relaxation when ca2+ is not present the binding sitess for myosin are not?
What is a muscle twitch?
A muscle twitch is the contraction of a muscle in response to a stimulus
What are the three phases of a muscle twitch?
-Lag (latent) phase -contraction phase -relaxation pahse
Muscle contraction is linked to?
Stimulus strength
If there does not meet threshold(subthreshold) stimulus strenth then no action pontential which results in?
No muscle contraction
If threshold is reached then there is action pontential which result in ?
Muscle contraction
Once action potential is produced the skeletal muscle will contract to produce a ?
Constant force (tension)
Single motor neuron + muscle fibers that innervates =
Motor unit
Motor units respond in what type of fashion?
All or none
Whole muscle respond differently than motor units beccause they respond in a?
Graded fashion
The strength of muscle contractions varies between weak and strong depending on?
Stimulus strength
Whole muscles are composed of many?
Motor units
A whole muscle will contract with either small or large force depending on the ?
Number of motor units that are stimulated