MUAR 211 Quiz 3 - Terminology

Twentieth Century

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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A French artistic movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
In Painting:
Flickering network of colour patches to render simple scenes from everyday life; catches the actual perceived quality of light (realists); flickering summer landscapes, soft-edged nudes, and diaphanous action pics of ballet- Monet- Renoir
Musical Characteristics: - tonal colour- Debussy
A consciously unrealistic movement followed soon after impressionism.
- Symbolists prepared to go so far as to break down grammer, syntax, and conventional thought sequence to approach the elusive, vague reference of Wagner's music.
Symbolist poetry
Wanted words to perform their symbolising function as freely as possible without having to fit it into the phrases or sentences.
"Night piece": title for title for Romantic miniature compositions for piano etc
Tone poem/symphonic poem
A piece of orchestral programme music in one long movement
Ternary Form
A 3 part musical form in which the last section repeats the first
ABA form
Pentatonic Scale
A 5 note scale (familiar from folk music) playable on the black notes of a keyboard
Whole-tone scale
A scale, used sometimes by Debussy, comprising only 6 notes to the octave, each a whole tone apart (ie. 2 semitones)
In the most advanced style.
Claimed that the old principles of art had been used up.
Anti-traditionalism. Radical experimentation.
Music is made to sound like another nationalities/countries music
In Painting: Artistic style and movement that imitated and emulated the artworks of various non-European cultures in an attempt to express less refined and more genuine feelings, a vision of humanity in it's infancy- Gauguin- Matisse - Picasso
Block Form
The formal structure of the work purposefully comprised of abrupt juxtapositions of differing musical tableaux, purposefully suggesting an almost 'crude' craftsmanship