Parameters and MRI Trade-offs Flashcards

Here are the flashcards quiz based on Parameters and MRI trade-offs in the form of flashcards quizzes. These flashcards consist of everything related to the Parameters and their associated trade-offs all over the world.

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 201

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Increase TR
Increases SNRincrease # of slicesincreases scan timedecreases T1 weighting
Decrease TR
Increases T1 weightingdecreases scan timedecrease SNRdecreases #of slices
Increase TE
Increases T2 weightingdecreases SNR
Decrease TE
Increases SNRdecreases T2 weighting
Increase NEX
Increases SNR; more signal averagingdirectly proportional increase in scan time
NEX decrease
Directly proportional decrease in scan timedecreases SNR;less signal averaging
Increase slice thickness
Increases SNRincreases coverage of anatomydecreases spatial resolution;more partial voluming
Decrease slice thickness
Increases spatial resolution;reduces part.volumingdecreases SNRdecreases coverage of anatomy
Increase FOV
Increases SNRincreased coverage of anatomydecreases spatial resolutiondecreases likelihood of alaising
Decrease FOV
Increases spatial resolutionincreases likelihood of alaisingdecreases SNRdecreased coverage of anatomy
Increase MATRIX
Increases spatial resolutionincreases scan timedecreases SNR if pixel is small
Decrease MATRIX
Decreases scan timeincreases SNR if pixel size is smalldecreases spatial resolution
Increase receive BANDWIDTH
Decrease in chemical shiftdecreases minimum TEdecreases spatial resolution
Decrease receive BANDWITH
Increases SNRincrease in chemical shiftdecrease in minimum TE
Large Coil
Increases are of received signallower SNR sensitive ti alaising artifact with small FOV