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What are the small motor skills development?
Depends on the use and control of the finer muscles of the wrists, fingers, and ankles (ex. using paintbrushes, turning pages, eating).
What are the large motor skills development?
Involves the use and control of the large musles of the back, legs, arms (ex. walking, running, throwing ball).
What is the head to foot pattern of physical dev't?
- Babies 1st gain control of head movement
- starts in prenatal dev't
- control of muscles move from arms & hands
control of legs & feet occur more slowly
What is the near to far pattern of physical dev't?
- Focus starts from trunk of baby's body and moves outward
- they reach for objects & later develop more hand-finger control and can grab them
What is the simple to complex pattern of physical dev't?
- Babies 1st develop their large muscle groups (legs, neck, arms, torso)
- once developed, can do complex tasks such as rolling, reaching, crawling
What is the social dev't of children?
Practice social skills. Learn how to treat others. Playing w/parents gives them models for polite & respectful behaviour. Learn communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, & following rules
What is the moral dev't of children?
Learn principles of right and wrong. Show respect for diverse children and learns fairness. Make-believe play lets children demonstrate the values they absorb from their family.
What is the physical dev't of children?
Large muscle groups are excersized by playing. The heart, lungs, & immune system strengthen. Coordination & perceptual motor skills improve.
What is the emotional dev't of children?
Allows children to feel "big". They gain a sense of control, which is needed for emotional health. Play can raise self-esteem.
What is the intellectual dev't of children?
Children use their senses to find out how things look, smell, sound, taste, & feel. They expand language skills.