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Compare motor learning and motor control.
Motor Learning is the study of the acquisition and/or modification of a skill. It is a set of internal processes that lead to a relatively permanent change in the leaner's capacity for skiller performance.Motor Control is the study of the ability to regulate/direct the mechanisms essential to movement.Physiological approach = focusing on movements already learned.Cognitive approach = focusing on learning new movements.
What is the criteria a task must meet if it is to be classified as a skill?
Skill = an action or task that has a specific goal to achieve.Criteria:- must be learned- performed voluntarily- have a goal- requires body/limb
Three motor skill classification systems.
- Fine and Gross - Open and Closed - Discrete and Continuous
Explain how Gentile's taxonomy differs from other classification systems and the significance of the difference.
- Provides a functional guide for professionals- Provides a systematic evaluation guide- Provides a basis on selecting functionally appropriate activities.
List the examples of performance outcome and performance production measures.
Kown the differences among simpe, choice, and discrimination reaction time situations.
Define kinematic and kinetic measures.
List 5 performance characteristics that can help teachers or coaches infer learning has occurred.
- stability- consistency-
Compare the learning models proposed by Fitts and Posner and by Gentile.
Describe several learner and performance changes that occur with learninga. coordiantionb. energy expenditurec. consistencyd. eror detection and correctione. self confidence
Compare and contrast three ways to assess motor learning.
Performance curves = - linear (performance increases over time)- negatively accelerated (improvement early, less improvement later) = most common- positively accelerated (less early, more later) usually relearning. Retention test = determine if achieved acquistion was due to learning, if it it durable, after disuse, it will be performed again. Tranfer test =tests the adaptability of performance.
Describe the ceiling and floor effects.
Celing = if tasks are easy to learn, the range of potential improvement is restrictedFloor = if tasks are too difficult learning may never be recorded.
Describe the amount of practice duration needed to become an expert.
Define transfer of learning
List several considerations for fostering positive transfer