50 Phrasal Verbs with Meaning & Examples for All Levels

Most common phrasal verbs used in ESOL exams and daily English. Flashcards are great to learn anything 7x faster! You have unlimited access so you will remember these phrasal verbs fast and easily.  Enjoy learning anywhere and anytime! 

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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get down to
begin We must get down to work.
be through with sb
finish with sb I am glad that I am finally through with him.
give up
finisth with something He gave up smoking.
Get through
pass I didn´t get through one of my exam.
Scrape through
pass (almost fail) She scraped through her exam with only 71%. (70% is for passing the exam)
Take down
Write down Can I take down your telephone number?
Keep up with
remain My English level keeps up with my colleagues where I work but I want to be better.
Fall behind
To get worse My schoolmate is making progress in history but I´m falling behind.
catch up with
To reach (level, progress) I must catch up with my schoolmate who is much better in history.
Ask out
To invite on a date I asked her out on a date and she said yes!
Ask after
to ask about someone´s health or progress He asked after his old friend.
Ask around
to ask about sth to different people for the same question I can´t believe that! I will ask around.
abide by
To obey a decision, rule, law We all have to abide by the headmaster´s decision.
Account for
To be the primary cause of sth Eating fat meal would account for the obesity.
Account to
to be responsible to The boss is the person I have to account to.