Module 21 Lab 23: DNase Test

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is DNase?
Extracellular enzyme that is produced within the cell and secreted outside of the cell wall
What happens to DNase once it's secreted?
It diffuses into the environment and breaks down macromolecular DNA molecules to the level of mononucleotide or polynucleotide
What are nucleotides?
Buidling blocks of amino acids
What do nucleotide subunits serve as for bacteria?
The production and secretion of DNase has been linked to what?
An organism's ability to degrade biofilms, which would enhance the organism's ability to invade the host or spread from the site of origin
What is this DNase test clinically important for?
Identification of pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus
How is DNase agar made?
By mixing powdered DNA into nutrient agar
In some instances, what is added to the medium?
Dyes such as methyl green or toluidine blue
Does DNase agar contain dye?
NO, it looks very much like nutrient agar
Will all or some of the organisms used in this exercise grow on this medium?
Is the presence of DNA visible in the medium?
No, not until the reagent hydrochloric acid is added
When do we add HCL?
After incubation, pour HCL onto the surface of the plate
HCL acid is a potent what?
What wil happen as DNA in the agar denatures?
Its structure changes and the agar will turn white wherever intact DNA is still present in the medium
What will happen as DNA in the agar denatures?
Its structure changes and the agar will turn white wherever intact DNA is still present in the medium