Modern Art in Europe and the Americas 1900-1950

PWAD Art History

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Question 1
Image 1
Title: L.H.O.O.Q
Artist: Marcel Duchamp
Year: 1919
Question 2
Image 2
Title: The Horde
Artist: Max Ernest
Year: 1927
Question 3
Image 3
Title: No. 61, Brown, Blue, Brown on Blue
Artist: Mark Rothko
Year: 1953
Question 4
Image 4
Title: Violin and Palette
Artist: Georges Braque
Year: 1910
Question 5
Image 5
Title: Guernica
Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1937
Question 6
Image 6
Title: Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)
Artist: Jackson Pollock
Year: 1950
Question 7
Image 7
Title: The Fountain
Artist: Marcel Duchamp
Year: 1917
Question 8
Image 8
Title: Improvisation 31
Artist: Vasily Kandinsky
Year: 1915
Question 9
Image 9
Title: The Joy of Life
Artist: Henri Matisse
Year: 1905-6
Question 10
Image 10
Title: Demoiselles d' Avignon
Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1907
Question 11
Image 11
Title: Composition in Red Yellow and Blue
Artist: Piet Mondrian
Year: 1927
Question 12
Image 12
Title: Object (Luncheon in Fur)
Artist: Meret Oppenheim
Year: 1936
Question 13
Image 13
Title: Girl with a Mandolin
Artist: Pablo Picasso
Year: 1910
Question 14
Image 14
Title: Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
Artist: Umberto Bocciioni
Year: 1913