MKTG 371 Exam 1

Study these and you will pass. Dont study these and you will fail...

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 202

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What is consumer behavior?
Process when individuals/ goups select acquire use dispose of products services ideas experiences to satisfy needs/desires.
What affects CB?
Psychological core, process of decision making, environment/culture, and CB outcomes.
Psch. core
Motivation, ability, and opportnunity to process. exposure, attention, and perception. memories, changing attitudes.
Process of decison making
Problem recognition and info search, post decision process
CB outcomes
Consumption as symbolism, difusion of CB's though out marketing
3 factors of new consumerism
1.perception of consumption 2.aspirational gap 3. branding
Aspirational gap
Difference between what people want and what they can actually afford...has led to much American debt/no public wealth
Primary data
Original, gathered with research objectives in mind. gathered by you. (use second/ harder to acquire $$$)
Secondary data
Pre-existing, collected without research in mind. (use first)
Categorical groupings, non numerical, descriptive. Focus groups used a lot to gather.
Numerical only
Motivation process
Once driven consumes determine what is wanted and acts accordingly. Drives... wants... behaviors.
Functional, hedonic, symbolic, achievement, affiliation, power, uniqueness.
Activites, intersts, opinions
Segmenting, targeting, postitioning