Military Drill

Describe military drill

12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Front Back
Question 1
Stand straight with heels together to form a 45 degree angle. Head and body erect, hips and shoulders level, chest lifted. Arms hang naturally with thumbs aligned with seam of your pants.
Question 2
Only given when in attention. Left foot to shoulder width and join your hands right over left with palms facing away at the small of your back.
Parade Rest
You may relax and move about. While at ease your right foot must remain in place. Not allowed to talk.
At Ease
You may relax and move about, Your right foot must remain in place. You may talk.
You are free to break ranks but you must remain nearby.
Fall Out
Question 6
Raise right hand bending at the elbow, until tip of forefinger touches the lower part of your cover or forehead just about and to the right of your right eye.
Hand Salute
Raise your right heel and left toe slightly and turn 90 degrees to the left. Bring your right heel down smartly alongside your left heel and stand at attention.
Left Face
Question 8
Raise your left heel and right toe slightly and turn 90 degrees to the right. Bring your left heel down smartly alongside your right heel and stand at attention.
Right Face
Question 9
Place you right toe about 6 inches behind and just to the left of your left heel. While on the ball of your right foot and the heel of your left foot turn smoothly to the right until you are facing rear.
About Face
Turn head look and align themselves to the right, at the same time each member lifts their left arm shoulder high.
Dress Right (normal Interval)
Turn head and look and align themselves to the right at the same time each member places their left arm on their hip.
Dress Right (Close Interval)
Raise right hand as though to salute and grab the brim of your cover. lift your cover a bit to avoid messing your hair and return your hand and hat to your side in a brisk motion.