Describe the Following Company Laws Flashcards

Chapters 3-6

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Home Furnishings Company (HFC) markets its products nationwide. When making a decision, HFC must take into account the needs of...
a. employees only. b. owners and shareholders only. c. society, consumers, and the community only. d. all of the above.
D - all of the above
Dona, an accountant for Excel Trends, Inc., attempts to apply the duty ap­proach to ethical reasoning in conflicts that occur on the job. This approach is based on the idea that a person must...
Avoid unethical behavior regardless of the consequences.
Transactional Corporation suggests that its employees apply the “categori­cal imperative” to ethical issues that arise at work. Under this standard, employees...
weigh the consequences that would follow if everyone took the same action.
Bob, research manager for Agri-Products, Inc., ap­plies utilitarian ethics to determine that an action is morally cor­rect when it produces...
The greatest good for the most people
Holly, a lawyer on the staff of International Group, applies the utilitarian theory of ethics in business contexts. Utilitarianism focuses on...
The consequences of an action.
Owen Is An Attorney. Paula Is A Certified Public Accountant. These Pro­fes­sionals Are Subject To Standards Of Conduct Established By...
Codes Of Professional Ethics, Court Decisions, And State Statutes.
International Marketing Corporation’s side payments to government offi­cials in exchange for favorable business contracts in foreign countries are considered, in the United States,
Illegal and unethical.
American Business Coalition (ABC), a political lobbying group, wants a certain policy enacted into law. If ABC’s policy conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, a law embodying it can be passed by ...
a. any state legislature and Congress. b. any state legislature but not Congress. c. Congress but not any state legislature. d. none of the above.
Answer: D
The Constitution sets out the authority and the limits of the branches of the government. The term checks and balances means that
each branch of government may exercise the authority of the other branches.
Wisconsin, like other states, may regulate private activities to protect or promote the public order, health, safety, and general welfare under its
Police powers
Ohio enacts a transportation statute that impinges on interstate commerce. This statute will be
Balanced in terms of Ohio’s interest in regulating a certain matter against the burden placed on interstate commerce.
When there is a direct conflict between a decision by a federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator on a matter that comes within the EPA’s jurisdiction and a Hawaii state law
The EPA’s decision takes precedence.
A New Hampshire state law that directly conflicts with a federal law is invalid under
The supremacy clause.
Mike, an advocate of a certain religion, publishes an article in New Times magazine insisting that Congress base all federal law on his religion’s principles. The First Amendment guarantees Mike’s freedom of
Religion, speech, and the press.
The Bill of Rights embodies protection for Carol and other individuals against various types of interference by
The federal government.