Microsoft Word Lesson 1.1

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Backstage View
Located by clicking the File Tab, the Backstage View is the central place for managing your documents.
Quick Access Toolbar
Commonly used commands at the top of the application window.
Groups of related tools organized within a set of tabs.
The area on which your content appears as it is entered and formatted.
View Controls
Adjust zooming in and out of a document, as well as selecting page view options.
Contains related groups of different tools and commands to perform the most common tasks.
Contains related features and tools organized within a ribbon's tab.
Drop-down Menu
Allows you to choose a command from a list of options.
An interactive tool that activates its feature when clicked.
Dialog Box Launcher
Opens a small window with information and options about a particular tool or group.
Tab Stop
Allows you to set a place on a page where text can be positioned and aligned by using the tab key.
Horizontal Ruler
Helps determine the position of content and margins going left to right on a page.
Page Margin
Blank space that is set around the edges of the page.
Insertion Point
Indicates the position on the page where text and content is placed.
The space where text and content is entered and positioned for on screen reading or printing.