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Explain the Law of Demand.
When the price of a product falls, the quantity demanded of the product will increase.
When the price of a product increases, the quantity demanded of the product with decrease.
Name the variables that shift market demand.
Income, Price of Related Goods, Tastes, Population and demographics, and Expected Future Prices.
What will happen to the demand for a normal good/inferior good when income rises?
Normal Good: Demand with increase.
Inferior Good: Demand will decrease.
An increase in income (and the good is normal) shifts the demand curve to the...
In increase in income (and the good is inferior) shifts the demand curve to the...
In increase in the price of a substitue good shifts the demand curve to the...
An increase in the price of a completentary good shifts the demand curve to the...
In increase in teh taste for the good shifts the demand curve to the...
An increase in population shifts the demand curve to the...
An increase in the expected price of the good in the future shifts the demand curve to the...
Explain the Law of Supply.
An increase in price causes the quantity supplied to increase.
A decrease in price causes the quantity supplied to decrease.
What variables shift market supply?
Prices of inputs, Technological change, Prices of substitutes in production, Number of firms in the market, and Expected future prices.
In increase in the price of an input will shift the supply curve to the...
In increase in productivity will shift the supply curve to the...
An increase in the price of a substitute in production will shift the supply curve to the...