Microbiology Quiz # 1 - Staph & BH Strep

Microbiology for Medical Lab Science

70 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

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Describe the appearance of staphylococci on a smear? (gram +/- and what arrangement)
Gpc, pr, cl
Describe the appearance of micrococci on a smear? (gram +/- and what arrangement, size)
Gpc, TETRADS!!! (this distinguishes micrococci from staphylococci), they are also larger than staph.
Describe the appearance of staphylococci on BAP (poss colors, poss hemolyses)
Cream, golden, white, BH or NH, op
Describe the appearance of micrococci on BAP (color)
Stable pigment, can be carotenoid (yellow or red) esp at lower temps
What kind of atmosphere do staph. require? (ie. what are they in terms of oxygen/carbon tolerance/use)
Facultative ANAEROBE
What kind of atmosphere do micrococci require? (ie. what are they in terms of oxygen/carbon tolerance/use)
What are the results for staph when a lysostaphin and modified oxidase test are performed?
Lysostaphin = Sensitive MO = Negative
What are the results for micrococci when a lysostaphin and modified oxidase test are performed?
Lysostaphin = Resistant MO = Positive
Are staph considered pathogenic? Are micrococci considered pathogenic?
Staph are pathogenic. Micrococci are not usually.
Describe the appearance of staph. aureus on BAP (size, hemolysis, color)
Med-lg, BH (NH) golden, cr, wh
What are the results for TC, SC, DNase and Novobiocin tests when run on staph. aureus; which is the most important test for this organism?
TC pos, SC pos, DNase pos, Novobiocin S TC is the most important 'gold standard'
Describe the appearance of staph. epidermidis on BAP (hemolysis, size, color)
NH (BH), sm-med, wh-gr
Describe the appearance of staph. saprophyticus on BAP (hemolysis, size, color)
NH, lg, chalk-wt, possibly yellow or orange
What are the results for staph. epidermidis when TC, SC, DNase, and novobiocin tests are run?
TC neg, SC, neg, DNase neg, Novobiocin Sens
What are the results for staph. saprophyticus when TC, SC, Dnase, and novobiocin tests are run?
TC neg, SC neg, DNase neg, Novobiocin Resistant