Microbiology Lab Test Results

This is a set of flashcards which contain the names and description of several test performed in microbiology lab settings. Contents include the name of the test, medium used, and what a positive and negative reaction look like.

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Question 1
Detect hydrogen sulfide gas production
Peptone iron agar deep containing ferrous sulfate(+) Black precipitate(-) No change
Question 2
Detects urease production; useful in distinguishing Proteus
Urea broth, phenol red(+) Fuchsia/ magneta(-) Yellow/ orange
Question 3
Test for lysine and ornithine decarboxylase (one way to overcome IMViC tests limit.- p.63)
Lysine & Ornithine broth, mineral oil, Bromcresol purple(+) Purple(-) No color change/ yellow
Question 4
Test for phenylalanine deaminase - most bacteria that produce this are pathogenic (ie Proteus, Morganella
Phenylalanine slants, 10% ferric chloride(+) Green color on surface of medium(-) No color change
Question 5
Detect ability to utilize citrate acid as sole source of carbon
Simmon's citrate agar, bromthymol blue(+) medium turns from green to deep blue(-) No color change; remains dark green
Question 6
Detects the presence of acetonin
MR-VP broth, Barritt's reagent(+) Deep pink(-) No color change
Question 7
Ability to ferment glucose and form acids
MR-VP broth, Methyl Red(+) Red(-) Yellow
Question 8
Test for Ability to Break down Tryptophan and yield indole
Tryptone broth, Kovac's reagent(+) Red color on surface of broth(-) Yellow
Test for Catalase Production
Hydrogen peroxide(+) Bubbling(-) No bubbling
Question 10
Detect cytochrome c oxidase activity (All Enterobacteriacease are negative)
TMPD(+) Purple(-) Colorless
Identify the way nitrate is reduced in certain bacteria
Nitrate reagent A&B, Zinc(+) Red after adding reagents A &B; if added zinc- colorless(-) Remained red after adding zinc
Detect if bacteria can ferment different carbs
Durham tubes, Fermentation broth + carb (glucose, lactose, sucrose), phenol red(+) Yellow(-) Red
Detect if bacteria can break down carbs (C. diphtheriae, C. perfringes, B. anthracis)
Starch agar, Iodine(+) Clear zone around bacterial growth when iodine is added(-) Purple color after iodine added
Detect if bacteria can break down tributyrin
Tributyrin agar(+) Clear zone around bacterial growth(-) No clear zone
Detect if bacteria can break down gelatin (S. aureus, L. monocytogenes
Nutrient gelatin(+) failure to solidify at cold temp(-) Solid at cold temp