Microbiology Exam 4 Respiratory Infections

Respiratory i nfection

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Positive Weil felix test means what?
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
What causes rocky mountain spotted fever?
Gram - coccobacillus by infection of dog tick
What are the symptms of Rocky mountain spotted fever?
Fever and hemorhagic rash
What type of virus is cytomeglovirus?
Ds DNA Herpes virus 5
What are the symptoms of CMV?
Mononucleosis, death in utero, birth defects,
What causes these fevers? Yellow fever Ebola Fever Lassa Fever Dengue Fever
Aedes mosquito ? rodent Aedes mosquito
What is the scientiic name for malaria? and what causes it?
Plasmodium vivax. caused by a protozoa obigat intracellular parasite. bit of a female anopheles mosquito
What is the treatment for plasmodium vivax?
Primaquine and chloroquine
What is chagas disease? and what causes it?
Disease caused by protozoan hemoflagulate transmitted by bite of kissing bug (reduviid bug)
What is another name for chagas?
Tripanosoma cruzii
What are the defense mechansms of the upper respiratory tract?
Secretory IgA, mucosal cell turnover, and normal flora strep
What are the defense mechanims of the lower respiritory tract?
Mucociliary escalator, no normal flora
What is catalase - and sensitive to bacitracin?
Strep. pyogenes
Corynebacterium diptheriae is caused by what shape bacteria?
Club shaped gram+ rod
What causes grey leather like pseudo membranes on the glottis?