
64 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The most important elements for achieving economic efficiency are
All of the above
Business regulation and antitrust legislation are based on the notions of economic theory that imperfect competition is inefficient. The theory of imperfect competition suggests that
All of the above
A natural monopoly occurs, theoretically, when
The market is only large enough to support one firm
The purpose of regulating a natural monopoly or oligopoly is to control price and profits so that the industry
Price will be affordable to low income consumers
When airlines were deregulated in 1978
New airlines were started
When Natural Gas prices were regulated at the well-head customers in the Midwest and New England
Often could not get natural gas because the regulated price was too low and caused shortages to occur
The legislation that prohibited banks from participating in investment banking (brokerage services) was the
Glass-Steagall Act
For many years the Federal Reserve Bank set the maximum interest rate banks could offer on certain types of deposits and loans. This meant that
Shortages of credit and lending would occur
Regulating the price and profit of industries
None of the above
To encourage regulated firms to produce up to the perfectly competitive solution, regulators might try to set prices equal to
If an industry is allocatively and technically efficient
None of the above
The US economy changed dramatically after the Civil War. What event allowed firms to exploit economies of scale?
the spread of railroads and access to national markets
In the late 1800's firms banned together by
issuing trust certificates to owners and creating a centralized management structure
Firms banned together for many reasons. One was to bring order to competition in the market. In 1859 the price of a barrel of oil fluctuated from
52 cents to 20 dollars
By 1875 economies of scale in oil refining allowed an efficient refinery to process _____ barrels per day?