Micro Lab Midterm

Microbiology 2041

62 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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How to bacteria and some fungi act as if they are multicelluar?
By growing together to form a single mass of identical cells called colonies these masses help in the identification of microbes: - bacteria: glassy - fungi: fuzzy
Why do we invert the Petri dish for incubation?
It prevents condensation
Aseptic technique for handling agar plate
As long as the top remains on the plate then the agar is sterile.
The important weaoon against the spread of infections
Hand washing
Various bacteria that colonize on the skin
Normal microbiota
Bacteria that remains on the skin an indefinite amount of time
Transient microbiota
Bacteria that are presnt for much shorter times
3 Goals of working in microbiology laboratories
1.) Do no infect yourself- that's why no food and drinks are allowed in lab; wash your hands before you leave 2.) Do not contaminate materials you work with in the lab- this would ruin many of the experiments you will do 3.) Do not contaminate those around you- Hospital personnels must be careful not to infect patients with new pathogens
Aspetic techniques
Ways to prevent contaiminatuion with unwanted microbes.
2 important improvements in the field of microbiology that enabled colony morphology studies?
1.) petri dish - Allows air to reach the bacteria - prevents contamination 2.) augar - Solidifying seaweed derivative - made it possible for growth on surface
Universal use of antimicrobial drug contain product- good or bad?
Widespread use - emergence of bacterial strains resistant to antiseptic ingredients such as triclosan
Parfocal microscope
If it is in focus with one objective, when the objective is rotated, it will remain in focus
How to read microscopic lenses
Total magnification: Eyepiece x Objective Eye pience: each 10x Objectives: 4x, 10x, 40x, and 100x
Why do we stain microbes?
1000x magnification is required to see characteristics of individual cells. At this magnification, typical unstained cells are so similar in density to the glass slide that they are difficult to see. Staining microbial cells makes the individual cells more clearly visible. - staining microbes greatly aided in the detection, identifcation, and observation of microbes under the microscope
Gram staining
1.) Allow the observer to bettew visulalize the microbes under high magnification 2.) Allow you to differentiate between two major groups of bacteria (Differential stain)