MGT 409- Exam 1

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Knowledge Economy
wealth is increasingly created by effective management of knowledge workers instead of by the efficient control of physical and financial assets.
Intellectual Capital
◦the difference between a firm’s market value and book value ◦a measure of the value of a firm’s intangible assets
Human Capital
◦individual capabilities, knowledge, skills, and experience of the company’s employees and managers
Social Capital
◦the network of relationships that individuals have throughout the organization
Explicit Knowledge
◦knowledge that is codified, documented, easily reproduced, and widely distributed.
◦the degree to which all members of a social network have relationships with other group members.
Bridging Relationships
◦relationships in a social network that connect otherwise disconnected people.
}Private information }Access to diverse skill sets }Power
Social networks deliver these three advantages:
Electronic Teams
◦team of individuals that completes tasks primarily through e-mail communication.
Dynamic Capabilities
◦a firm’s capacity to build and protect a competitive advantage, which rests on knowledge, assets, competencies, complementary assets, and technologies.
Romantic View
◦Leader is the key force in organization’s success
External Control Perspective
◦Focus is on external factors that may affect an organization’s success
Intended Strategy
◦Decisions are determined only by analysis
Realized Strategy
◦Decisions are determined by both analysis and unforeseen environmental developments, unanticipated resource constraints, and/or changes in managerial preferences
Strategic Management
◦Analyses, decisions, and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages