MGMT363- Chapter 11 Teams: Characteristics & Diversity

Teams: Characteristics & Diversity

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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2 or more people who work interdependently over some time period to accomplish common goals related to some task-oriented purpose.
Work Team
Relatively permanent team in which members work together to produce goods and/or provide services.
Management Team
Relatively permanent team that participates in managerial-level tasks that affect the entire organization.
Parallel Team
Team composed of members from various jobs within the organization that meets to provide recommendations about important issues.
Project Team
Team formed to take on one-time tasks, most of which tend to be complex & require input from members from different functional areas.
Action Team
Team of limited duration that performs complex tasks in contexts that tend to be highly visible & challenging.
Virtual Team
Team in which the members are geographically dispersed, and interdependent activity occurs thru e-mail, Web conferencing, & instant messaging.
1st stage of team development, during which members try to get a feel for what is expected of them, what types of behaviors are out of bounds, and who's in charge.
2nd stage of team development, during which conflict occurs due to members' ongoing commitment to ideas they bring with them to the team.
3rd stage of team development, during which members realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals & consequently begin to cooperate.
4th stage of team development, during which members are comfortable working within their roles, & the team makes progress toward goals.
Final stage of team development, during which members experience anxiety & other emotions as they disengage & ultimately separate from the team.
Punctuated Equilibrium
Sequence of team development during which not much gets done until the halfway point of a project, after which teams make necessary changes to complete the project on time.
Task Interdependence
Degree to which team members interact with & rely on other team members for info, materials, & resources needed to accomplish work for the team.
Pooled Interdependence
Form of task independence in which group members complete their work assignments independently, & then their work is simply added together to represent the group's output.